10 Underrated Sci-Fi Sequels (That Deserve Way More Love)

8. Alien 3

Predator 2
20th century Fox

Like much of the franchises mentioned on this list, the Alien film series has been living off the legacy started by either the first or the first two films, leading to a ton of poor - or just underappreciated - sequels.

While the first film in the franchise was a classic thrilling space horror and the second one (Aliens) perhaps even bested it, there was a lot less love for Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection. Now, the latter may have received reviews that leaned a little towards the positive side, but that doesn't mean we should have been unnecessarily mean to the former.

The truth is that Alien 3 doesn't match up the perfect predecessors in any way whatsoever, but it does have its own merits. For starters, Sigourney Weaver is as compelling a lead as ever, as she makes Ellen Ripley seem even more badass, with the character shining in spite of the fact that she's surrounded by larger-than-life presences throughout the entire film. Moreover, the scares are rather good and you just can't downplay the fact that it includes that legendary shower scene.

It'll never be as good as Alien or Aliens, but it's a lot more deserving of your love than you might think - especially the later-released Assembly Cut.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.