10 Unexpected Movie Deaths That Came Out Of NOWHERE

5. Bambi's Mother - Bambi

Pulp Fiction

Disney have gotten a decent track record for ruthlessly taking out the friends and loved ones of their films' main characters, however the case of Bambi and his mother is where it all began.

The 1942 classic opens up as a quaint and picturesque film fit for the whole family, with the main character of Bambi acting as the perfect cute and innocent animal for Disney to start pulling at their audience's heart strings. Bambi is shown to be exceptionally close to his mother, trekking out everywhere with her and constantly turning to her to explain all the things he comes across.

One day the pair are out sharing a magical moment as some green grass sprouts through the snow around them, when suddenly they are forced into a hasty run away from a hunter. Bambi makes it to their home, but has to go back out into the snowstorm to try and find where his mother has gone.

And the whole time audiences are left thinking: 'surely not. Disney couldn't just suddenly kill off a cute mother deer and leave a young innocent main character on his own, could they?' But, as out of the blue as it is, that is exactly what they have done.

Not cool Disney, not cool.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.