10 Unintentionally Funny Horror Movie Villains
8. Dr. Evan Rendell Jr - Dr. Giggles

The doctor will see you now.
If you go into a movie called Dr Giggles expecting something on par with The Shining or Hereditary, you might want to reconsider your viewing habits. This is a film that never stood a chance at being genuinely terrifying, and a big part of that was the utterly hilarious villain, Evan Rendell.
The movie stars the late great Larry Drake as a delusional psychopath who thinks he's a doctor. He returns to the hometown where his father was killed and goes on a murder spree, all the while becoming obsessed with Jennifer Campbell, a teen with a heart condition.
The truth is, Rendell (nicknamed Dr Giggles because of his laugh) is not scary at all. In fact, he's side-splittingly funny. The performance from Larry Drake goes so overboard that you'd think he was playing in a pantomime, and while he does his best, he never comes across as intimidating. This, combined with the cheesy dialogue, makes the whole thing an exercise in goofiness.
If you want to find a fun horror to laugh at while eating bad takeout, then you're onto a winner with this one.