10 Unintentionally Funny Moments In Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man Trilogy

6. Norman Osborn Talks To Himself – Spider-Man

Spider man tobey maguire
Sony Pictures

Willem Dafoe excelled when it came to his portrayal of both Norman Osborn and the Green Goblin. He could pull off being a kind fatherly figure but also act like a sadistic maniac when he wanted to.

But when the lines of Norman’s two personalities started to blur together, it often led to some unintentional humour. The most obvious example is when he has a conversation with himself in front of the mirror.

The combination of Dafoe’s slow, twisted walk and his maniacal facial expressions – though slightly creepy for younger audiences – is hard not to smirk at. Norman feels like a pantomime villain in this scene, and the dressing gown he’s wearing makes the whole situation even funnier.

To top it all off, he ends his monologue with a gravelly cackle and a deranged smile that only adds to the ridiculousness of the scene.

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