10 Unintentionally Funny Moments In Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man Trilogy

5. Peter Defeats Harry – Spider-Man 3

Spider man tobey maguire

Peter’s first conflict with Harry is a well-executed fight sequence for the most part, even if some of the CGI hasn’t aged too well. As entertaining as this scene is, the way it concludes is laugh-out-loud funny if you’ve got a dark sense of humour.

In order to avoid being murdered, Peter simply uses a thread of webbing to stop Harry’s pursuit. After emerging from an explosion, Harry collides with said webbing and proceeds to bang his head on a pipe before smashing his way to the ground.

Conceptually, this may not sound particularly funny. However, what makes this moment amusing is the audio. The sound effects that are used have a cartoon-like feel to them, and as such, the end of this terrific fight comes across as funny rather than climactic.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.