10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In The Matrix Franchise

4. The Popeye Punch - The Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix
Warner Bros. Pictures

Smith and Neo's final fight to end all fights in The Matrix Revolutions carries with it all the power, force and energy of two Gods battling atop Mount Olympus. They fly, they collide, they crash, they smash; borrowing elegantly from the likes of Akira and Dragonball Z ever so carefully that it doesn't border on pardoy.

For most of the part, the fight is a mixed bag; the rain and lightning help generate a climactic atmosphere, but they two constantly flying into each other to create shockwave bubbles distorts the fight and narrows the whole action sequence to quite literally two toys smashing against each other.

Towards the end of the scrap though, a fatigued Neo holds his ground against the tireless Smith and a more intimate one-on-one sequence sees Bullet Time returned but this time, Neo cuts through the raindrops and sends a sickening, cracking right hook straight into Smith's jaw.

The CGI face of Smith inflates, his lips pucker up, and his right cheek swells and all a sudden visions of pipe-smoking Popeye fill your head. The deep, slowed-down groan of Smith really seals the deal, and a shot that is supposed to convey how strong and mighty a punch is, ends up being a faux-earnest moment that changes the tone of the fight, if just for a split second.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!