10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In The Matrix Franchise

3. The Zion Orgy - The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix
Warner Bros.

Okay, let's talk about this whole sequence delicately because there is a lot to unpack.

The first Matrix teased the last human city of Zion, way down in the Earth's core. And in the Matrix Reloaded, audiences finally got to see the safe haven for the human resistance. As impressive and spectacular as it was, nothing could compare to what happens in the evenings when the Zion Council go to bed, and Morpheus takes to the stage in his favourite red vest.

After a rousing speech from Morpheus, something happens beneath the candlelit caverns. The throbbing music kicks in, clothes are shed, and the people of Zion get so sweaty and funky you'd think they were at Glastonbury.

This entire sequence, coupled with splices of Neo and Trinity having sex can be not only be jarring, but crack an awkward smile that turns into a laugh. I get what the Wachowskis were trying to convey in this scene; the free-love aspect twinned with bodies writhing against each other is just something the machines could never do (or understand), and there is a great contrast between what our humans normally do in their daytime to what happens at night.

But my word! These shots are borderline pornographic, and just as the music comes to a close, and Neo and Trinity reach the climax of their tryst, Neo's anxiety has to spoil it all with a brief flash of Trinity dying.

Neo, that's what your thinking about straight after sex? You need to talk to someone that isn't Morpheus or The Oracle.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!