10 Unknown Actors Who Stole Movies Out From Their Famous Leads

6. Edward Norton - Primal Fear

Stole The Movie Out From: Richard Gere A youthful Leonardo DiCaprio was the original choice to play the role of altar boy-on-trial Aaron, and it would have been interesting to see how he'd coped with the role. Instead audiences were served a fresh-faced Edward Norton who absolutely stole every scene he was in, clearly showing what was to come later in his career. His performance is a wonderful exploration in madness and obsession, culminating in an explosive finale that ends with his fingers clasped around the throat of the viewer. He helps reveal the twist with authority and conviction and shows a complete control over his performance. We get glimpses of the masochistic tendencies of his character in American History X, as well as the psychotic dependency exhibited later in Fight Club. Richard Gere and Laura Linney pale in comparison to Norton's character, who chews them up and spits them out whenever he sets foot on-screen. The film has a number of faults it has to be said, but his performance as Aaron papers over any misgivings.

I love all things imaginative, from the page to the screen, and nurture a soft spot for Donald Sutherland and Daniel Bryan.