10 Unlucky Movie Characters Who Didn't Deserve To Die

9. Phone Booth - Pizza Guy

Terminator 2 Todd

There’s few sympathetic characters in this film, but none come off more unfortunate than the poor guy who was just doing his job.

We’re of course talking about the very catalyst of the film. At the beginning Stu (Colin Farrell) is making a call to his mistress when a pizza delivery man approaches him with a hot pie and directions to deliver to a man in a Phone Booth.

Collin Farrell's abrupt and uncouth attitude is not forgotten, and after the events of the film transpire, we are lead to believe the Caller/Sniper who had been tormenting him was the pizza man all along.

Of course not! So the twist is the sniper gets away and the cops think a pizza man lost his mind, but let’s spare a thought for the pizza man shall we? He was just a normal guy doing his job; he had no idea his day was going to end with a slit throat and a bad reputation.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!