10 Unreleased Horror Movie Endings Fans Are Demanding To See

1. Denise's Alternate Demise - House Of 1000 Corpses

Deep Blue Sea Susan McCallister Saffron Burrows
Lionsgate & Instagram: Rob Zombie

Rob Zombie's skin-crawlingly icky House of 1000 Corpses ends with the remaining human survivor, Denise (Erin Daniels), seemingly escaping the murderous Firefly Family.

But once she flees their compound to the main road, she's unknowingly picked up by the family's patriarch, Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig).

After a beat, the vicious Otis (Bill Moseley) emerges from the car's back seat with a knife, before Zombie cuts to Denise once again back at the Firefly compound, strapped to an operating table and imminently about to be killed. The End.

But Zombie's film was extensively tinkered with in post-production, with an originally shot version of this ending ultimately being discarded for reasons unknown.

The alternate ending played out incredibly similarly, albeit with a few variations.

Again, Denise escapes to the main road and is picked up by Captain Spaulding, but this time he's driving a large truck instead of a car, and rather than Otis emerge from the back, it's Spaulding's assistant Ravini, who then drags Denise into the back and kills her.

Last year Zombie posted a few still images from the ending, though despite considerable fan interest to see its in its entirety, Zombie insists that it's almost certainly lost. Boo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.