10 Unreleased Horror Movie Endings Fans Are Demanding To See

9. Gerry Becomes A Zombie-Hunting Badass In Russia - World War Z

Deep Blue Sea Susan McCallister Saffron Burrows

It's no secret that World War Z's third act was almost entirely re-shot, with the final version focusing on Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) as he reaches the World Health Organization research facility in Wales to pose his theory that the zombies won't attack sick or dying people, due to them being unsuitable hosts.

Gerry and the other survivors fight their way through the lab, with Gerry ultimately injecting himself with a curable pathogen in order to prove his theory correct.

Gerry is then reunited with his family, the vaccine is distributed to help civilians safely evacuate, and the military finally seems to be dealing with the undead horde. The End.

But the theatrical finale was ultimately far, far simpler than what the filmmakers originally planned and shot. The scrapped but mostly filmed original climax saw Gerry end up in Moscow, where he was drafted into military service to fight the zombies.

Months later, Gerry is a hardened zombie killer, only to learn that his wife Karin (Mireille Enos) has been forced to shack up with a soldier - played by Matthew Fox, who is seen briefly in the theatrical cut - to ensure her safety in a refugee camp.

This version of the story would've ended with a defiant Gerry mounting a mission to rescue his wife, setting up a sequel far more explicitly than the final movie did.

With the Moscow-set action sequence set to comprise roughly 12 minutes of footage alone, it's clear that a whole lot of movie got tossed out and locked away in Paramount's vaults.

It'd certainly be great to see at least a supercut of it one day, but with World War Z being such a torturous production for most everyone involved, one suspects that's nobody's too keen to let that footage surface.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.