10 Upcoming 2016 Movies You Should Really Give The Benefit Of The Doubt

6. Everything Points To It Being Great - The Legend Of Tarzan

Release Date: July 1, 2016

Movie-goers already seem to have turned on this newly-rendered Tarzan as if it's some sort of crime to adapt this inherently cinematic tale to the big screen once more. Despite all the suspicions and general annoyance, though, this looks good, doesn't it? Doesn't it?

Like Peter Jackson's King Kong or something, only with added Samuel L. Jackson. The CGI looks pretty damn good, too, whilst Alexander Skarsgard is a great fit for Tarzan, Christoph Waltz is set to chew the scenery to levels untold and Margot Robbie is... well, she's just gorgeous, isn't she? If all that isn't a good enough reason to justify a new cinematic rendition of Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic tale, what is?

So why are we all so down on Tarzan, guys? You know that David Yates is behind this thing, don't you? You know, the guy who helmed the last four Harry Potter movies (all the good ones), which means that there was a properly competent person calling the shots on this blockbuster instead of, like, a Zack Snyder-type character.

Yes, this has "wannabe franchise" written all over it, and yes, there's still a chance that it could turn out bad, but you can't gather that from the trailer. The trailer looks exciting, fun and - best of all - seems to be taking its cues from the original novel. Have faith.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.