10 Upcoming Animated Sequels No One Asked For

5. Puss In Boots 2: Nine Lives & 40 Thieves

2018 will see the release of Puss In Boots 2: Nine Lives & 40 Thieves. Just pause a minutes and soak up how a bad a name that is. A total grammatical mess (you've got numbers both spelt and numerical), it's a title so messy that Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice suddenly looks restrained. So yeah, they're making a Puss In Boots sequel. Once people got irritated with an endless slew of Shrek movies, Dreamworks turned their focus to stretching the spin-off from the ogre franchise as far as it'll go. Puss In Boots looks cute and it's hard to dislike Antonio Banderas, but really nothing interesting has really been done with the character since he first appeared in Shrek 2. In fact it seemed that 2011's Puss In Boots was a swan song for the spanish cat; it made considerably less than any film in the original series and, put plainly, wasn't any good. According to director Chris Miller, the sequel will take Puss "to exotic places". Gee, that sounds like such a well constructed and justified motivation for a sequel. What's most perplexing is that the film comes out a whole seven years after the first one, meaning any existing audience from the first film will have already grown old enough to view this cynical cash-in like this with suitable ridicule.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.