10 Upcoming Blockbusters You Totally Forgot Were Coming In 2016

1. Ben-Hur

Another remake of a beloved classic, the latest version of Ben-Hur is coming from the visionary director who brought you Wanted and err, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Jack Huston steps into the role made iconic by Charlton Heston, with Morgan Freeman on hand to provide sage advice between chariot races. Ben-Hur feels like one of the riskier blockbusters of 2016; Huston is well regarded but he€™s hardly a huge name, director Timur Bekmambetov is an odd choice to helm a historical epic and the religious element €“ namely the appearance of Jesus €“ might raise the ire of American audiences if handled badly. For a movie being released in August there€™s shockingly little awareness of it, and there hasn€™t even been a trailer released for it yet. Maybe MGM knows they have something special on their hands, and they€™re just waiting for the perfect moment to unleash it. If that€™s the case they€™d want to get a bloody move on, because at this rate Suicide Squad €“ which is released the week before €“ is going to dominate the whole month, and Ben-Hur will be left in the dust. Can you think of any other blockbusters being released in 2016 that have surprisingly little buzz behind them? Share your choices in the comments.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.