10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies We Don't Really Need

8. Shazam

ShazamDCIs anybody really clamouring for a Shazam movie? As in, really, really clamouring for one? Okay, so there may be a few people out there who really want to see Shazam - or Captain Marvel, as he's also known - rendered on the big screen. For the rest of the movie-going public, though, many of whom have never even heard of this character, the prospect is somewhat yawn-inducing. Aside from the fact that this guy has a name like "Shazam" (and he's a DC character, so "Captain Marvel" won't do), it's hard to imagine him bringing in box office gold. Is that a fair enough reason to suggest that we pass on a Shazam movie? Yes, actually - especially when there are tons of far more popular and inherently more appealing DC characters who have yet to be granted their own pictures. Shazam also happens to be one of those characters who has fallen into relative obscurity; indeed, the poor chap hasn't had his own comic series for years. Has his time passed? Is he a mere relic of a forgotten era? It certainly seems that way. And given that he's never really fitted in with the established DC universe, we'll pass.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.