10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Are Already Doomed To Fail

7. Punisher (????)

Some people should just learn from their mistakes, move on and stop trying to fix something that is clearly unfixable - the definition of insanity, after all, is repeating the same action over and over and expecting different results. Such is the way of Punisher - an exceptional comic book property with an iconic, but under-loved anti-hero at its heart who could have the same sort of jaded but dedicated fanbase as Wolverine and Deadpool if he was ever in a good enough film adaptation to really kick on his appeal. Sadly however, the three films made in his name in 1989 (The Punisher with Dolph Lundgren), 2004 (The Punisher with Thomas Jane) and 2008 (Punisher: War Zone with Ray Stevenson) have been little more than diabolical, regardless of financial returns (which has hardly been head-turning) with almost universally bad reviews. For some reason The Punisher just doesn't work as a film property, and unless Marvel Studios (who now own the film rights once more) bring in someone with serious talent, and an eye for rescuing a failing franchise, there can be only more failure in the Punisher's cinematic future.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.