10 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Are Already Doomed To Fail

8.Flash (????)

There's a fairly good reason that the Flash is my least favourite comic book superhero of all time - his super-power is pretty lame. So he runs really fast, talk really fast, and heal himself at a faster rate than normal people...? I fail to see how that is intriguing enough to make him a viable option for a gripping film. Yes, as part of the JLA, The Flash will be an integral part, provided he is used sparsely enough for impact (he's basically going to be the Human Torch without the flames), but on his own, I can't see how a film could be compelling enough to justify the stand-alone project. Perhaps that's why the film has been trapped in developmental hell for so long, and has gone through so many different guises over the years, since Jeph Loeb was hired to write a script way back in the 80s. The most recent news had the Green Lantern scribers attached to adapting the recent Geoff Johns run, and we all know how good Green Lantern was... The major problem here is what happened when David S Goyer was handed the opportunity to make his own Flash film after Warners were impressed with Batman Begins - he stated he was taking tonal inspiration from Sam Raimi's Spiderman trilogy as well as the seminal comic runs by Mike Baron, Mark Waid, and Geoff Johns. All good reference points, and with Goyer in charge it might have been a dark enough, intriguing enough adaptation to really grip. But Goyer left, citing creative differences with the studio, who clearly thought his great sounding idea wasn't right for the character, and I'm not sure I have any attraction to the implied alternative.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.