10 Upcoming Comic Book Villains Hollywood Will Probably Ruin

3. T-Bird - The Crow

The Villain: T-Bird is the leader of the violent gang who accosts Eric Draven and his girlfriend Shelly, resulting in Eric being shot in the head and "dying" later in hospital, but not before he's forced to watch Shelly be raped and then beaten to death. The rest of the comic sees a resurrected Draven seeking bloody revenge on T-Bird and his vicious cronies. He was played by David Patrick Kelly in the original 1994 movie (and pretty solidly at that). Why He'll Be Ruined: In fairness, it'd be a surprise if the long-planned reboot of The Crow ever actually happened considering that it's been in development for almost 7 years, but with a number of dubious casting choices made so far (Jack Huston was cast as Eric before dropping out, Jessica Brown Findlay is playing Shelly, and Andrea Riseborough is being considered for Top Dollar, who was actually a male character in the comics), it's hard to expect that the casting or overall depiction of the vile gang leader is going to be up to scratch. Even if the movie does actually come out, it'll probably be best to just stick with the tried-and-tested 1994 cinematic iteration.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.