10 Upcoming Disney Movies You Won't Want To Miss

2. Ghost In The Shell

One title which looks out of place on the list of upcoming Disney movies is Ghost In The Shell - while for the most part Marvel, children's-oriented animated features and Star Wars movies make for familiar reading, an adaptation of the cult anime noted for its dense thematic content and violence doesn't seem like something Disney would sign up to. For better or worse the long-awaited Hollywood live action version of the classic anime is finally on its way, and if one thing can be said about Disney it's that the film is likely to get the large budget Masamune Shirow's source material warrants.Whether it retains the gritty and seedy edge and political subtext is perhaps unlikely, so fans of the oblique yet fascinating Ghost In The Shell: Innocence should probably steer clear. It's hard to think of a better casting choice for the cyborg protagonist Kusanagi - Scarlett Johansson has made a name for herself of late as an actress capable of holding her own against male co-stars in action-heavy blockbusters.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.