10 Upcoming Film Blockbusters We've Already Given Up On
10. Transformers: Age Of Extinction
Release Date: June 27, 2014 It would be wrong to label the first Transformers movie, a product that even the likes of Steven Spielberg was proud to put his name on, as a truly terrible film - sure, it was rough around the edges, and there were moments of, uh, "questionable" humour, but it did its job efficiently enough, given it was a blockbuster based on a leading toy franchise about robots that turn into cars and trucks and whatnot. The same can't be said for its godawful follow-ups, however, both of which are two of the most ill-judged and bizarrely incomprehensible blockbusters ever made. It's with memories of Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon, then, that Age of Extinction comes our way. And it's hard to see how Michael Bay's fourth Transformers flick - yes, he's made four of these things - is going to break the tradition of being downright terrible. Firstly, the trailers have shown us a movie that seems contented to reprise the explosive beats of the last few instalments without questioning whether or not it might have been better to change things up a bit. But at least Shia LaBeouf is absent this time, busy with more... "experimental" things. So buildings are exploding, the Transformers are as difficult to identify as ever, and Mark Wahlberg looks disastrously miscast as an "inventor dad" There are also dinosaur Transformers, which sounds fun, but under the cruel tutelage of Michael Bay - who has not made a great film since 1996 - expect to be majorly disappointed.