10 Upcoming Films Starring Doctor Who Actors You Have To See

2. In A Valley Of Violence (Karen Gillan)

Karen Gillan's career has been going from strength to strength since she broke your Whovian heart(s) with her gut wrenching Doctor Who departure back in 2012 and facing the Weeping Angels in Manhattan clearly didn't put her off the US, either, as she's been a busy old bee making a name for herself across the Amy pond. In fact, she's been doing so well on the opposite side of the Atlantic that ABC even entrusted her with the mighty task of helming her very own sitcom, Selfie, which was ultimately cancelled halfway through its first season. Damn. Still, it doesn't really matter when you've got a gazillion other projects in the pipeline, one of which, In a Valley of Violence, will see her sharing the big screen with John Travolta (let's just hope he got her name right!), Ethan Hawke and Torchwood's very own Burn Gorman. What more could you possibly want? Not much is known about the film at the moment, apart from the fact that it's a Western set in the 1890s, but it's scheduled to be released in December because nothing says Christmas spirit like a man arriving in a small town to see vengeance for his murdered friend... apparently. Yet another role for Karen to add to her shimmering showreel. She's a lot less blue in this one, too.
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.