10 Upcoming Movie Adaptations That Prove There Is No God

8. Annie

Talk about milking something all it's worth.The upcoming movie Annie is the fifth cinematic adaptation (that's five, folks) of a Broadway adaptation of the 1924 comic strip Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray. Okay, so it's been a while since it last hit the screens (Disney's 1999 TV movie version) but no doubt Hollywood will get some mileage out of it in the future. Starring Quvenzhané Wallis in the title role and Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz as a wealthy politician and the cruel manager of Annie's foster home respectively, this version updates the story to contemporary America and re-imagines its main characters as African-Americans. With Jay-Z and Will Smith serving as producers, we can expect the much-loved songs of the original to be given a corporate hip-hop/RnB make-over. Perhaps the only major silver lining to this unnecessary version is the casting of Wallis, the talented young star of The Beasts of the Southern Wild. Previously, Will's daughter Willow Smith was lined up for the part, but perhaps after the abysmal failure of his other offspring Jaden's performance in After Earth he finally realised that his shameless nepotism wasn't doing his investors any favours.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.