10 Upcoming Movie Reboots That Might Actually Work

6. Hellraiser

Mahershala Ali Blade
New World Pictures

The original Hellraiser is one of the most daring and distinctive horror movies of all time, a grotesquely imaginative marvel from the mind of Clive Barker, albeit a film that not a single one of the sequels was ever able to live up to.

By the time the fifth film came around, 2000's Hellraiser: Inferno, the franchise had eschewed theatrical releases in favour of direct-to-video distribution, and in recent years the series has well and truly hit the skids.

2011's Hellraiser: Revelations was a micro-budget abomination made for just $300,000 so that Dimension Films could hold onto the series' rights, without the involvement of Pinhead actor Doug Bradley no less.

This was followed up by 2018's Hellraiser: Judgment, which was made for $350,000 and again without Bradley, confirming the IP's embarrassing fall from grace.

In 2019, a bigger-budget reboot was confirmed with writer David S. Goyer (Blade, The Dark Knight trilogy, Man of Steel) onboard to produce.

Ben Collins and Luke Piotrowski (Super Dark Times, The Night House) are attached to write the script, with David Bruckner (V/H/S/, Southbound, The Ritual) signed to direct.

Odessa A’Zion has reportedly been cast as the lead, while Pinhead will be gender-swapped in this version of the story. It will forego a theatrical release in favour of a day-and-date bow on Hulu.

Given the extremely non-commercial nature of the series' transgressive horror, streaming could actually be its salvation, allowing filmmakers to take risks which they otherwise couldn't get away with where box office grosses must be fretted over.

Obviously it'll be a shame for many fans if Doug Bradley is nowhere to be seen, but this still sounds like a major step up from most of the Hellraiser sequels to date.

Hellraiser is expected to shoot later this year, presumably for a 2022 release.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.