10 Upcoming Movie Reboots That Might Actually Work

5. Spawn

Mahershala Ali Blade
Image Comics

The Spawn reboot is an interesting proposition for two major reasons - it's a reboot of an existing movie adaptation that failed, and rather than up the scale with a glossier, bigger-budget reimagining, it's actually shrinking things way down.

1997's Spawn, adapted from Todd McFarlane's comic book creation of the same name, was an infamous critical and commercial dud that suffered from a wildly bloated budget (among other things), resulting in a planned sequel quickly becoming trapped in development hell.

Over the last decade-plus, McFarlane has made numerous attempts to get a reboot project going, with Blumhouse Productions confirming the project in 2017.

McFarlane will serve as both writer and director, while Jamie Foxx will play Spawn and Jeremy Renner will co-star as Detective Twitch.

Per Blumhouse's penchant for lower budgets, the film is expected to come in at a $10-12 million price tag - just a fraction of the original's $45 million - ensuring it should be a grittier, more down-and-dirty take on the character.

The attached star power is enough to be excited about this one, and though it's been kicking around for a few years now without going before cameras, producer Jason Blum insists it's in "active development," while McFarlane confirmed back in February that another production threshold had just been crossed.

With many smaller-budget productions struggling under the constraints of challenging pandemic-related safety protocols, it's safe to say that Spawn may have an easier time getting made as restrictions continue to lift in the coming months.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.