10 Upcoming Movie Reboots That Might Actually Work

4. Highlander

Mahershala Ali Blade

Much like Hellraiser, Highlander touts one much-loved original movie and a glut of increasingly pathetic sequels, culminating in 2007's wretched fifth film Highlander: The Source, which didn't even feature Christopher Lambert's Connor MacLeod.

In the near-15-years since, various attempts have been made to remake and reboot the fantasy franchise, with numerous directors attached such as Justin Lin (Fast and Furious franchise) and Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later), before Chad Stahelski (John Wick franchise) was confirmed in 2016.

Stahelski is still attached to direct, and last summer said the project was in "heavy development mode," with a script written by Kerry Williamson (Alex Cross, What Happened to Monday).

Earlier this year, Henry Cavill was confirmed to be in talks for a lead role, presumed to be MacLeod but unconfirmed at this point.

On paper Cavill would certainly be a compelling fit, and if he can be paired with a suitable Sean Connery-esque mentor character, this could bring the flagging series roaring back to life.

If nothing else, Stahelski's involvement should ensure the action sequences are nothing short of electric.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.