10 Upcoming Movie Reboots That Might Actually Work

3. Confess, Fletch

Mahershala Ali Blade

In the 1980s, Chevy Chase starred in two comedy movies based on Gregory Mcdonald's Fletch novels, 1985's Fletch and 1989's Fletch Lives, both enjoying considerable commercial success even though the sequel received hugely mixed reviews.

Many attempts have been made over the last three decades to reboot Fletch, including a Kevin Smith-directed version starring either Jason Lee or Ben Affleck, and a recent effort with Jason Sudeikis.

But last summer, a reboot was confirmed to be in development under Superbad director Greg Mottola, based on Mcdonald's 1976 novel "Confess, Fletch," with Jon Hamm set to replace Chase as the titular lead.

And if you feared this would be yet another stalled attempt, Mottola confirmed recently that the film's script is complete and it's even set to start shooting within the month.

As tough as it is to live up to Chase's immortal performance in the original films, Hamm is a pitch-perfect casting choice, and it should give him a much-needed opportunity to flex his underappreciated comedic chops.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.