10 Upcoming Movie Roles That Are Horrendously Miscast

5. Keanu Reeves - As A Half-Breed Samurai (47 Ronin)

47-RONIN-Reeves As we've already commented on this site, 47 Ronin is almost certainly doomed to fail due to a budget that has ballooned to $225 million, resulting in the director being fired from his own movie and locked out of the editing process. The film revolves around 47 samurai whose leader is murdered, and as such, they seek to exact revenge and restore their honour. The 47 Ronin seek the help of Kai (Reeves), a half-breed samurai who was once rejected from the group, to help their cause, and eventually, he becomes their fearless leader as they head into battle. It's going to draw inevitable comparisons to The Last Samurai, but at least Tom Cruise is a fantastic actor; Reeves can be effective to a point, but the footage of the film we've seen so far causes him to seem very out of place amid everything that's going on around him. On the plus side, given the film's troubled production, it's unlikely that his miscasting will be the worst thing about it.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.