10 Upcoming Movie Roles That Are Horrendously Miscast

6. Idris Elba - As Nelson Mandela (Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom)

Idris_Elba_and_Naomie_Harris_star_in_new_poster_and_trailer_for_Mandela__Long_Walk_to_Freedom Idris Elba is a fantastic actor, though I can't help but feel that he is absurdly miscast as Nelson Mandela in the upcoming biopic Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. Elba neither looks nor sounds like Mandela, though he does his best to mimic the man in the trailer that dropped recently. Elba himself admits the lack of a likeness, stating, "Everyone knows who he is and what he sounds like, and I look nothing like him. If I get judged, which I will, about my performance or how I sound or how I look, I think people miss the point. The point is that this is called Long Walk to Freedom, this is the book about his life and it€™s his own words." While Elba has a point that the thematic heft of the piece is ultimately more important than the performance, it's not exactly encouraging if even Elba doesn't seem all that confident that he's nailed down the mannerisms of the man. Still, fingers crossed he can prove us wrong.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.