10 Upcoming Movie Sequels That Really Aren't Wanted

6. Face/Off 2

Face Off
Buena Vista / Paramount

Starring Nicolas Cage and John Travolta at the peak of their popularity, 1997's Face/Off is a ridiculously over-the-top action movie in which Castor Troy (Cage) and Sean Archer (Travolta) swap faces with one another. It's a preposterous scenario, but the two actors clearly had a lot of fun with it.

In 2019, Paramount actually announced that they were planning a Face/Off remake, not a sequel, but recently, we heard that things have changed, with Godzilla vs. Kong director Adam Wingard approaching the project as a follow-up to the original film.

Why It Isn't Wanted

Even though we knew that Paramount had previously discussed a remake, the news of another Face/Off movie still came as a huge surprise, and this is because nobody was really clamouring for it.

Face/Off is such a relic of the '90s: it's cheesy, it's wild, and it provides a strong dose of unfiltered Cage madness, so to try and do something similar in this day and age - where dark and gritty is the name of the game - feels like a hopeless endeavour.

Hopefully it ends up being a breath of fresh air, but if we're being pessimistic, Face/Off 2 seems destined to be another "nostalgia sequel" in the vein of Zoolander 2, Independence Day: Resurgence, or Dumb and Dumber To - films that fail spectacularly while trying to recapture decades-old lightning.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.