10 Upcoming Movie Twists Everyone's (Probably) Already Guessed

3. John Wick Is Confirmed To Be Alive - John Wick Presents: Ballerina

Trap Josh Hartnett

John Wick Presents: Ballerina is a spin-off from the mainline John Wick franchise centered around Rooney (Ana de Armas), the ballerina briefly glimpsed in the third John Wick film.

The movie is set between John Wick 3 and 4, allowing appearances from Charon (Lance Reddick) and Wick (Keanu Reeves) himself, despite the fact that both characters appeared to die in John Wick 4.

But with John Wick 5 already confirmed to be in the works, what would make more sense than Ballerina ending with a reveal that Wick actually survived his brutal wounds in the previous film, faked his death, and will be back for one more go-around?

While there are many fans who hope that John's original death sticks given how well-executed it was (pardon the pun), money talks, and accepting that John Wick 4 made almost $450 million worldwide, Lionsgate will surely be incredibly eager to entice Reeves back any way they can.

Whether it should happen or not, knowing how Hollywood operates and that director Chad Stahelski has been rather cagey about confirming Wick's fate either way, it'd be the least surprising outcome imaginable if Ballerina's ending or post-credits scene showed Wick still alive, setting the stage for the fifth main movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.