10 Upcoming Movies Nobody Asked For

8. Monopoly

The Crow 2024

With Monopoly being one of the most iconic board games in history, it's perhaps not terribly surprising that Hollywood has been trying to adapt it for more than 15 years now. In 2008, Ridley Scott was attached to direct a version that never came to fruition, and in 2019 Kevin Hart was announced to star in a new take which also ended up fading into nothing.

Earlier this year, however, it was revealed that Margot Robbie is now developing her own Monopoly adaptation. And though Robbie's recent Barbie movie was a phenomenal success beyond any expectation, does that mean the world really needs more features based on toys/board games?

It was an awful idea when Ridley Scott and Kevin Hart wanted to do it, and even with a post-Barbie Robbie involved, it's not much more appealing.

This is a classic case of Hollywood learning the wrong lesson from a movie's success and hurriedly attempting to replicate what Barbie pulled off. How about taking all that time, effort, and talent, and investing it in a project whose existence actually makes artistic sense beyond merely printing money?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.