10 Upcoming Movies You Should Stop Reading Spoilers For Right Now

2. Gone Girl

A generation has grown up knowing the twist in Fight Club, but still found the film a twisted masterpiece. So in one sense knowing the outcome of a David Fincher thriller that boasts a stellar cast shouldn't really worry you; if it's still good it'll still be freaking good. But whereas the nature of Tyler Durden was something neither you nor the film questioned for a good chunk of its run-time, the mystery of Gone Girl is central to the movie. Based on the novel by Gillian Flynn (although by the author's own admission the film boasts a different story structure, so book readers aren't free from surprises), Gone Girl stars Ben Affleck as "the most hated man in America", accused by the press, but not police, of being behind his wife's disappearance. Just like The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo called itself "the feel bad movie of Christmas", this has been billed as an anti-date movie. And there's no doubt, with it over a decade since Fincher last wavered, that this will be a knockout movie. So why ruin it by knowing more than you need to?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.