10 Upcoming Movies You Should Stop Reading Spoilers For Right Now

7. Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Marvel don't really need to advertise their movies any more. Two months from release they just need to put up a poster saying their name and the title and the box office is theirs. They don't stop there and in fact tend to go to the other extreme, often releasing the biggest spoilers for their films in very public places. Look at the marketing for Guardians Of The Galaxy. The first teaser was a quick character intro/tone-setter scored to Hooked On A Feeling and was damn near perfect; nothing more could have been done to make audiences excited for this hitherto unknown gang. But that didn't stop a relentless run of trailers that gave up most of the major plot beats. As time goes by people will remember the ooga chaka over the generic tat that followed, but that doesn't mean it wasn't spoiled. But for an unknown property that's excusable; we need a bit of preparation before diving into Xandar. With something as tried and tested as The Avengers the promise is enough. The best parts of Joss Whedon's first assembly were the unexpected bits - the cool action beats, the witty banter and, obviously, "puny God". Now Disney know that's the not-so-secret weapon expect more of these moments to be out there; already there's what should be geek-tastic moments being unveiled.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.