10 Upcoming Movies You Should Stop Reading Spoilers For Right Now

6. Interstellar

We're less than two months away from Interstellar and you can really feel the hype machine amping up. A plethora of posters, the promise of longer trailers, magazine features; if you thought avoiding Christopher Nolan's latest was going to be easy you were wrong. Nolan is a director notoriously tight-lipped about his movies, never divulging his next project until he's finished the current one, keeping schtum about their meanings and trying to play down spoilers in the build-up to release. However, Nolan is a man working within a system that loves to splurge info and thus this increasing marketing barrage, along with various plot leaks already swirling around, is going to mean there's a lot out there that could ruin the movie. We've seen what hype and rabid speculation can do to film after the mixed reaction to Nolan's previous, The Dark Knight Rises, but there the fact that Bane broke the Bat was well documented. With this film the effect is amplified; not only is it a new idea, something that is always better experienced in action at the cinema rather than written plainly on the internet, but it may be help enhance the film. Interstellar is, from what we've gathered from very scant research, all about the great unknown. Wouldn't it be better to go through the stargate (or equivalent) knowing the same amount as the characters?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.