10 Upcoming Movies You Should Stop Reading Spoilers For Right Now

4. Any New Spider-Man Movie

Sony are desperate to please the fans with The Amazing Spider-Man series. After Spider-Man 3 had too many villains and a goofy tone they made The Amazing Spider-Man darker with a more streamlined story. When that got a meh from audiences The Amazing Spider-Man 2 lightened up and threw in as many villains as possible. Expect the third film to go dark and streamlined. Again. Although that's not only where Sony are very much feeding fan's desires. The manner in which they marketed the reboot's sequel was essentially telling the story over the course of the year pre-release; initially focusing on Electro, gradually teases of a new Green Goblin made their way in before the trailers went all in and basically showed the death of Gwen Stacey. Of course that is to some degree the studio's fault, but the manner in which fans rabidly consume anything that comes out means the amount of spoilers officially released is going to be high; putting the rhino ending in the trailer is just feeding the audience's appetite. For The Sinister Six, The Amazing Spider-Man 3 and whatever else comes from the Spider-Man Universe if people rein themselves in then the spoilers would be much less prevalent and the films could be potentially a little enjoyable.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.