10 Upcoming Movies That Have Already Pissed Everyone Off

1. Loqueesha

Charlies Angels
The Best Movie

Loqueesha: The story of a down-on-his luck cisgender white man who pretends to be a black woman to get a job. If that plotline alone doesn't make you fear khaki pants and tiki torches bearing down on your neighborhood then this may actually be a movie for you.

Written, produced, and starring Jeremy Saville, the trailer first appeared quietly on YouTube to major acclaim. And by acclaim we mean controversy. Numerous people, of course, cited the fact this whole plot feeds into the xenophobic talking point that minorities and people of color are stealing jobs from white people.

Does anybody remember 2002's Juwanna Mann? It certainly didn't help matters when Saville's response to the controversy was to post up a picture of Marlon Wayans and reference the 2004 film White Chicks as a defense for Loqueesha's existence. Remember White Chicks? A movie that was made specifically to parody the asininity of movies like Juwanna Mann and Loqueesha.

A further bit of controversy came from the film claiming it was an official selection of the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival - though it later came to light that Loqueesha was, per SLOIFF's own twitter account, "never selected, screened, or given an award at our festival."

Actor and comedian Dwayne Perkins, who plays Saville's best friend Mason in the film, defended the film stating "This is a comedy about a guy who does the wrong thing for the right reasons, and the movie really gets into all of it more than the trailer does." and "I don't think the trailer does the movie any justice." More important is that, after a screening of the film, critic Joel Golby of The Guardian criticized the cinematography, casting, special effects, audio quality, and plot calling it the "Worst film ever made." My personal favorite part of the review? "The Reason You Haven’t Seen Any Of These Actors In Anything Ever Before Is Because They Belong In The Hague." Golby also stated that Perkins' hope may not come true as Saville's character really never learns a lesson and in fact it paints the people who become upset about what he's done as the ones who truly 'learn a lesson' about just how right Saville's character has always been.

By the way, in case anyone was curious - the name Loqueesha comes from an 'African-Americanization' of the word Loquacious, meaning someone who talks a lot. We'll have to wait and see how good the movie does to know if we'll get a sequel Garruleesha. Or, y'know, just don't?

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Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at www.richardcshaffer.com.