10 Upcoming Movies That Have Already Pissed Fans Off

8. Taika Waititi's Star Wars Movie

Toy Story 5

Oh how the tides have turned on Taika Waititi. The New Zealand director has seen most of his work critically acclaimed, and was at the helm of arguably one of the strongest MCU outings in Thor: Ragnarok, but this was then followed up by one of its worst with Thor: Love and Thunder. As a result, it seems that a sizeable contingent of movie lovers may have lost faith in Taika's work.

While goofy humour is a cornerstone of Waititi's style, even Chris Hemsworth had to admit that Love and Thunder got too silly. Now, there are some Star Wars fans fearing that Taika will bring that same silliness to a galaxy far, far away.

In this, the director hasn't really helped himself. He claimed on social media that he was about to ruin Star Wars, and though this was obviously tongue in cheek, a comment like that isn't about to win many people over to his side.

Most Star Wars fans don't want the franchise to be as silly as Waititi's projects typically are, but there are a couple of key things to remember. The filmmaker has a genuine blockbuster under his belt in Ragnarok, and if he can return to this mix of action and comedy rather than going too far in the direction of the latter, there is no reason his Star Wars movie can't be amazing.

There is also the fact that he has already directed an episode of The Mandalorian, about which no one took issue, though the complaint here is more about his writing than his directing.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.