10 Upcoming Movies That Just Got HUGE Downgrades

1. Anya Taylor-Joy Won't Be Reuniting With Robert Eggers After All - Nosferatu

Batman Keaton

With two absolutely stellar collaborations under their belts already in the form of The Witch and the recent Northman viking epic, the idea of Anya Taylor-Joy and Robert Eggers once again coming together to create cinema gold in the form of a Nosferatu feature was enough to leave many jumping for unsettling joy.

Yet, in the time since trying to initially get this particular vampire ball rolling back in 2019 and now, a number of obstacles have forced a few changes for the incoming take on the iconic horror entry.

On top of budget concerns giving Studio 8 a bit of a headache and forcing Eggers to pause production on the flick whilst he dove into The Northman for a spell, his star's schedules not quite lining up also led to his tried and tested leading lady having to bow out of the project recently.

In Taylor-Joy and former co-star Harry Styles' places, the likes of Nicholas Hoult, Lily Rose-Depp, and Bill Skarsgard have all reportedly agreed to come aboard over the last few months, with Skarsgard stepping into the titular role for the flick.

And while each of these recently cast stars will no doubt add something compelling to the mix, it's safe to say that missing out on the always excellent Taylor-Joy for this latest no-doubt gripping Eggers tale has definitely killed off a little bit of the buzz once surrounding this upcoming Nosferatu movie.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...