10 Upcoming Movies That Just Got HUGE Downgrades

5. It Won't Be Here Until 2025 - The Batman Sequel

Batman Keaton
Warner Bros.

In a time when it feels like hotly-anticipated sequels are dropping by the year, recent reports of Matt Reeves' second Gotham outing being a little further down the line than initially expected may just leave a number of fans thumping some rather thick glass in frustration.

Now it's worth noting that Reeves' first Batman instalment took around three years to make its way into cinema screens after making Robert Pattinson's Bat-casting official.

But even with that being the case, and the finished product impressing critics, fans, and Warner Bros. Discovery enough to green light a ton of other Reeves-guided Gotham tales, having to now wait until at least 2025 to see R-Patz suit back up on the big-screen will likely feel like a lifetime for many.

Admittedly, HBO's The Penguin incoming spin-off series will at least keeps fans somewhat occupied in the time between The Batman and its incoming sequel.

But with Reeves very much finding himself in the thick of a whole host of separate Bat-verse projects, with everything from an incoming Arkham Asylum series and meetings about a ton of potential TV and film spin-offs centred around Batman's rogue's gallery already underway, don't be too surprised if that reported 2025 release date experiences the odd delay in the coming years.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...