10 Upcoming Movies That Will Change Your Mind About Actors

6. Trainwreck - John Cena

Johnny Depp Black Mass1
Universal Pictures

The Amy Schumer penned comedy looks like it's going to be one of the laughiest hits of the year, especially with Judd Apatow in the director's chair and a very talented cast.

The odd thing though is that WWE star John Cena - not exactly famed for his traditional acting chops (Vince McMahon asks for a lot more than realism, you see) - is on the cast list, playing someone other than "Himself". That, combined with the looming WWE label, usually spells acting disaster, but word is that Cena is actually very good.

And even more shockingly, that he's very funny. Complete with his "stunt penis" no less.

Will It Last?

Much like in his day job, any goodwill that tends to come Cena's way usually disappears as quickly as it reared its head. 

But he does have a quick opportunity to keep the LOLs coming, opposite Tiny Fey in Jason Moore's Sisters, so he might actually be able to carve himself a career as the funny WWE actor (since Kevin Nash has the stripping WWE actor slot sewn up).


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