10 Upcoming Movies That Will Change Your Mind About Actors

5. Suicide Squad - Will Smith

Johnny Depp Black Mass1
Warner Bros.

There's something of an accepted image of Will Smith that puts him alongside Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks in the Hollywood standings. All are archetypal good guys who rarely (if ever) break from the brand-norm, and most profit from the lack of deviation.

That's the context behind - and the explanation for - the reaction to Smith being cast as Deadshot in Suicide Squad: he's apple pie, hanging out with bad guys. A sheep in wolf's clothing. But there are suggestions that he could well pull it off.

He's played bad before - teasingly in Hancock, connivingly in Six Degrees Of Separation, and coolly in Bad Boys (to a lesser extent) - and he knows how to handle complexity. FIngers crossed that his version of Deadshot is just a charismatic outsider who doesn't really align with either good or bad, but either way, success would be a shock to a lot of people.

Will It Last?

He does apparently have Bad Boys III in the works, which would require some element of nastiness (or at least an anti-hero demeanour), but you can't really think Smith would sabotage his standing as Hollywood's nice guy for too long.

Hopefully, this is just his opportunity to show that he does have it in him to switch-hit.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.