10 Upcoming Movies That Will Change Your Mind About Actors

3. Batman V Superman - Jesse Eisenberg

Johnny Depp Black Mass1
Warner Bros.

When Jesse Eisenberg was revealed to be the most confusing of Superman villain castings for Batman V Superman, the internet threatened to explode. Were it not for the Batfleck backlash, it probably would have been even more voracious ripped apart.

Regardless of how it turns out, Eisenberg needs to change significantly to really sell the role. There were grains of villainy in his Mark Zuckerberg, but not quite the same type of arrogance, and it was always important in the comics for Luthor to represent a real threat. That's not going to come easy to Eisenberg, unless he hits the gym, or adopts a demeanour that implies more power.

If he pulls that off, few will remember the suggestions that he's too awkward and too stereotypically dorky to play a super-villain.

Will It Last?

You would like to think so, for the sake of the DCCU. That will hinge on the villains as much as on Affleck, Cavill and co, but it would take a lot to convince anyone that Eisenberg is going to be type-cast as megalomaniac entrepreneurs, even if it does work.

You could of course have said the same about Heath Ledger after The Dark Knight, had he not been lost. He would surely have enjoyed an increase in profile, so maybe this will provide a cemented step up for Eisenberg?


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