10 Upcoming Movies-Turned-TV Shows To Watch After Westworld

8. Snatch

Cruel Intentions
Warner Bros.

The Film

Guy Ritchie’s follow-up to Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was the crime-comedy-drama that saw Brad Pitt play a traveller bare-knuckler fighter with illegible Irish accent while catapulting the career of Jason ‘The Stath’ Statham.

The TV Show

The show is set to be an updated version which promises to be laced with the spirit of the original. In other words, packed with bent cops, gangsters, fighters and a rogues gallery of variously accented villains.

And it has Ron Weasley (a.k.a Rupert Grint) in one of the title roles.

Will It Work?

It might. But it’ll take a lot more than simply throwing together an eclectic bunch of baddies and a former wizard to be a success.


Freelance writer, full-time father, part-time hat wearer. Specialising in film and TV and prone to referencing Douglas Adams a little too often.