10 Upcoming Movies With Insane Concepts

5. Eli Roth's Borderlands

Guns Akimbo Daniel Radcliffe

While the Borderlands games are now just a handful of titles that exist within a pool of similar looter-shooters, if you had to choose one series from that sub-genre that has the most distinct identity, it's definitely this one.

With characters breaking the fourth wall, talking self-aware robots that just want a little friendship, guns with legs, and psychopaths screaming at you to shoot them in the face, the one word that best describes the Borderlands universe is... well, insane.

Regarding the upcoming film adaptation, it was recently announced that director Eli Roth will be bringing Borderlands to the big screen over at Lionsgate, and the general concept of this man making a movie out of this particular property sounds totally mad.

Roth is known for his gore-tastic horror flicks like Hostel, Cabin Fever and The Green Inferno, and when you combine his sensibilities with Borderlands' irreverency and balls-out comedy, you have a recipe for one of the wackiest and most gleefully violent movies we've ever seen.

The studio could've played it safe with this one and made a sanitized action movie that appeals to the masses, but Roth's hiring indicates that we should expect something as crazy as the countless bandits that roam the outlands of Pandora.

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