10 Upcoming Movies With Insane Concepts

3. DC Super Pets

Guns Akimbo Daniel Radcliffe
DC Comics

Throughout the long lifespan of the comic-book industry, various publishers have dreamt up some batty alternate versions of their most iconic heroes, like Marvel Zombies, Marvel Apes, and even a Dracula-inspired Batman.

Pretty much any idea like this would make for an insane movie - especially when so many comic-book blockbusters are criticised for "playing it safe" and "sticking to the formula" - but Warner Bros. has decided to go with the DC Super Pets as its first major foray into the wild, weird world of comic-book goofiness.

The concept, if the title didn't give the game away, is that the DC Super Pets (also known as the Legion Of Super Pets) consists of a few super-powered animals, from Krypto the super-dog to Flexi the plastic bird. Other members include Streaky the super-cat, Clay Critter... and Bat-Cow. Yes, seriously. In a few years, you're going to be able to watch this in a cinema. What a time to be alive.

Most importantly though, Warner Bros. knows how to make a brilliant animated superhero movie (LEGO Batman), so there's plenty of reason to trust them, even when the premise sounds this mental. And the good thing here is that such a crazy idea lends itself to an extremely funny and offbeat movie, so hopefully, they run with the ludicrousness and amp it up to eleven. Give us lots of Bat-Cow!

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