10 Upcoming Movies With Insane Concepts

2. Till Death

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Megan Fox has stayed out of the blockbuster spotlight (and out of the spotlight in general) for the last couple of years, but one of her upcoming movies sounds like it might cause quite the stir when it eventually releases, presumably in 2021.

Here's the basic logline: in Till Death, Fox will play Emma, an unfortunate wife who is handcuffed to her dead husband as part of a disturbing revenge plot enacted against the couple.

Since the movie has been described as "high-concept", it's safe to assume that she'll remain attached to her deceased beloved for a good chunk of the story too, which should result in all kinds of grotesque, sickening horror-fueled moments. Emma will also be pursued by two hired killers who are trying to finish her off, which will obviously make it a little difficult for her to be dragging around a heavy corpse.

Fox isn't the greatest actress in the world but she was solid in Jennifer's Body, her last foray into horror. On the plus side, Till Death is the kind of movie where that great central hook will do a lot of the heavy lifting, so hopefully there are plenty of creative sequences that fully exploit the handcuffs idea. What we don't want is for Emma to be separated from her husband - making it a more formulaic chase movie - within 20 minutes.

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