10 Upcoming Movies With TERRIBLE CGI

7. Anyone But You

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

Rom-coms typically aren't known for their reliance on visual effects, yet one bizarre shot from the teaser trailer for Anyone But You features some seriously odd use of the tech.

For the most part this trailer suggests a totally ordinary, garden variety rom-com - the kind that rarely hits in cinemas anymore, frankly - yet take a close look at the opening shot of Glen Powell just five seconds into the trailer.

Doesn't something just look totally off about his face?

Pause the shot and it becomes even more obvious - for reasons that aren't immediately clear, his face is at least partially digitally rendered until he steps forward out of the shadows.

There's an uncanny, overly smoothed look to his facial features which are immediately distracting, possibly the result of his face being concealed in too much shadow in the original shot, and the filmmakers relying on VFX to recreate a lighter visage.

Either way, for a movie sold almost entirely on the attractiveness of its two beautiful co-stars, it's an odd move to start digitally tinkering around with one of their faces and make them look like a dodgy WWE 2K render.

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Aquaman 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.