10 Upcoming Movies With TERRIBLE CGI

4. Silent Night

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

John Woo's new action thriller Silent Night certainly has an interesting hook, given that it centers around a mute protagonist (Joel Kinnaman) seeking revenge on those who killed his son, and the entire movie has been confirmed to have no dialogue.

As such, the film's storytelling load will be carried largely by its visuals, ensuring they need to be in tip-top condition. Which, sadly, they're not.

While the trailer certainly presents plenty of entertainingly kinetic action, there are some less-than-stellar effects-based sequences, namely with the extensive use of CGI cars.

The climactic montage shows a man being hit by a poorly rendered digital car which wouldn't look out of place in a Need for Speed cutscene from 15 years ago, and is followed up by a horrible glimpse of a car crashing into a yellow fire hydrant, which appears to have been created almost entirely in post-production.

Given Woo's history of delivering thunderous practical-based action sequences, hopefully the bulk of the movie will focus on that rather than yucky, underdeveloped CGI carnage.

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Aquaman 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.