10 Upcoming Movies With TERRIBLE CGI

2. Aquaman & The Lost Kingdom

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
Warner Bros.

It would be disingenuous to suggest that every single shot of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom we've seen so far looks ugly, because that's just not true, but the trailers nevertheless imply that the sequel's going to be every bit as visually inconsistent as its predecessor.

The original Aquaman pulled off the impressive feat of looking both extremely expensive and laughably cheap all at once, like a mega-budget episode of the O.G. Power Rangers series - and this seems little different.

Despite being delayed extensively in an apparent attempt to give the VFX teams more time to hone the movie's effects, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is yet another water-based film which proves just how spoiled we were by Avatar: The Way of Water.

The shots of characters bobbing around underwater look overly blurry and garish, the movement animation is ugly and video game-y, and it's clear that the likes of Jason Momoa and Nicole Kidman have been created digitally from scratch in many shots, while looking not even remotely lifelike.

There will certainly be visually impressive moments in this movie, but true to form for the DCEU - fresh off the VFX abomination that was The Flash, no less - it's going to have its fair share of eyesores too.

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Aquaman 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.