10 Upcoming Movies You Won't Believe Actually Got Made

7. The Fanatic

Vivarium Jesse Eisenberg Imogen Poots
Wonderfilm Media

The Pitch: An obsessive film fan named Moose (John Travolta) stalks his favourite action hero, Hunter Dunbar (Devon Sawa), and ultimately attempts to ruin his life. Oh, and Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst directs.

Shot last year under the title "Moose", The Fanatic is reportedly based on true events in Durst's life, where he had to deal with a persistent and intrusive stalker.

Though it's impossible to imagine how this movie ever got funded, it is at least Travolta's most interesting project in quite some time, what with his penchant for starring in dreadfully generic straight-to-VOD action duds these days.

With his absurd costume and comical hairpiece, Travolta certainly seems to be giving himself over fully to Durst's vision. Given Durst's prior films - yes, this is his third directorial effort - it's reasonable to expect a messy end result, but hopefully it'll at least give Travolta the floor to deliver a truly dynamic performance.

The Fanatic isn't yet slated for release, but with Amazon Studios acquiring distribution rights last week, it'll probably end up on VOD within the next few months.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.